Home Bible Study: Pastor Jacob With is leading a Bible study at his home on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 PM. Come join us in this opportunity to grow together in God’s Word. Please speak with Pastor Jake for directions to the With home and to place you on the text group list.
Youth Confirmation classes continue on Sundays at 5:30 PM. These classes are for all youth ages 12 through 14.
Mid Week at Mount Calvary - MWMC Wednesday at 2 PM! Check out the Christmas bulletin board to see our MWMC Christmas picture.
LWML Freely Given Baby Diaper Project. Please consider donating diapers and/or wipes that we will in turn “freely give” to the Lighthouse Pregnancy Center. They request diaper sizes preemie to size 7. They will take any size diaper package and will divide the larger packages into smaller packages. Please drop off the diapers in the labeled bin in the fellowship hall. The deadline for this quarter’s collection is Oct. 20th. Thank you so much!
LWML Breakfast and Bible Study. All ladies of all ages are invited to the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League breakfast and Bible study on Saturday, March 22nd at 9 AM.
Prayer requests and bulletin announcements may be submitted to Liz With by email at Elizabeth.with123@gmail.com