Special Voters’ Meeting will take place Sunday, January 26th, after the Divine Service.We will discuss and cast our votes for the next District President, District First Vice President, District Regional Vice President, and our lay delegate, alternate delegate, and advisory/ies to the Rocky Mountain District Convention. Announcement: At our Circuit Forum held last Sunday, Jan. 12th, the pastoral and lay delegates voted for Rev. Kurt Van Fossan to serve as our circuit visitor for the next triennium.
Youth confirmation classes resume Sunday, January 26th at 5:30 PM! We will study how we know that Jesus died and bodily rose from the dead for us. These classes are for all youth ages 12 through 14. We look forward to our continuing study of the faith.
MWMC resumes Wednesday, January 8th at 2 PM! Check out the Christmas bulletin board to see our MWMC Christmas picture.
LWML Freely Given Baby Diaper Project. Please consider donating diapers and/or wipes that we will in turn “freely give” to the Lighthouse Pregnancy Center. They request diaper sizes preemie to size 7. They will take any size diaper package and will divide the larger packages into smaller packages. Please drop off the diapers in the labeled bin in the fellowship hall. The deadline for this quarter’s collection is Oct. 20th. Thank you so much!
Prayer requests and bulletin announcements may be submitted to Liz With by email at Elizabeth.with123@gmail.com